The aim of was created to celebrate the wonderfully diverse world of Supply Chain and Logistic services that move items efficiently around the globe.
To give something back to the industry and to hear from bright and interesting people that really understand it.
Hold informal conversations and debates with Key Influencers in their market sector. Discuss the specific methods and services they provide in their sub-sector of Logistics.
Each podcast or debate will be 20 -25 minutes and is designed to give an informed overview of the sector being discussed or a rounded view of the subject being debated.
All of our podcasts are also available via on Spotify, Twitter/X, Instagram - search under "logisticsexplained"
Share information on how each sub-sector operates for people using these service as well as being an information portal for those looking to find out about the Logistics sector.
Discuss any relevant pertinent challenges within the Logistics sector
It will hopefully enlighten our knowledge on subjects we think we already know and will be a useful portal to users of the sector, investors and competitors alike.
Podcasts will feature individuals in a discussion that should bring awareness to their sector, themselves and their company.
Join a community of other subscribers who share the same interests.